
A Question of Necessary Edification

A Question of Necessary Edification

Ministry in Europe is hard. The missionary endeavor whether it consists of planting new churches or perfecting the saints in existing ones is a lonely effort even with a team!

The human odds routinely defy the number of co-laborers one can be surrounded with. Growing government restrictions as a result of continuing health concerns only make matters worse. Travel has now become twice maybe three times the burden it already is under normal circumstances.

This is why the need for mutual encouragement is all the more pressing and worth facing all the costs involved. It is perhaps best described as — sweeter than it ever was once it happens, if it happens!

My recent trip to Geneva at the invitation of long-time missionary to Switzerland and France, John Glass, tells of just that very tale introduced above. The ordeal especially to travel under an hour plane flight over the Alps from Rome to Geneva seemed like preparing to climb Everest!

Tests, types of tests, vaccination concerns, and paperwork, from the airline, from the various governments whose territories you will be entering into, and reading from multiple websites that just brings more confusion as to the requirements with each new site and link accessed, all of this… simply exhausts the mind and the will.

That said, perseverance through the odds… always rewards! This, especially when the missionary you are visiting is John Glass, the missionaries are John and Meg Glass.

My time, in summary, was brief but extremely rich. John gave me a personal Calvin- tour of Geneva. At the time we visited Calvin’s Cathedral, John’s book on the history of Calvin in Geneva was on sale at the Cathedral bookstore!

On Sunday morning, I preached, in French, at the vibrant church John founded that, now in its second decade, with its own leadership, and new pastor in place, all under John’s pastoral oversight, has been the source of multiple church plants from its body in both Switzerland and France.

After several decades himself, of faithful missionary work in France and Switzerland, John has come to be a household name among believers, churches, and church leaders in the two countries. He has acquired the trust of them all and the Lord continues to use him for counsel to the fruit established and for leadership in the fruit to come.

The Glass’ appear to view their work as just having begun! That’s the energy for serving Christ they communicate!

Why do I share this story in an ITA newsletter? I write because of how encouraged I returned from my trip and how personally refreshed I felt with regards to the work of the ministry in my own mission field of Italy.

The ministry is hard in Europe. Times are making it harder. The mission nonetheless remains the same! Faithful missionaries are proof of that and the effort to reach out for mutual encouragement is worth it all.

The church and ministry must press forward! The Lord will build His church.